A new book


“Alyans-Archeo” publ. issued a new book by A.K. Gavrilov “Studies of the Ancient Greek Inscriptions of the North Coast of the Black Sea” [“Issledovaniya po drevnegrecheskim nadpisyam Severnogo Prichernomorya”]. ISBN 978-5-98874-175-6.

The book incorporates ten articles on the inscriptions from Chersonesus and Cimmerian Bosporus as evidences of history and culture of the ancient towns of Taurica. The book examines moot points of interpretation of these documents in research literature. The book aims at a wide range of specialists, philologists, historians, archaeologists studying the region of the North coast of the Black Sea and interested in issues connected with publication of epigraphy finds.

New book

Russian Academy of Sciences Library issued the proceedings of the international scientific conference on restoration and conservation of manuscripts, books and documents “Manuscript Research and Restoration”. ISBN 978-5-3360-0274-4.

International scientific conference took place on September 17-18, 2019.

A new book

“Alyans-Archeo” publ. issued a new book by N.V. Bashnin ““Opisi Vologodskogo arkhiereĭskogo doma Sv. Sofii vtoroĭ poloviny XVII — nachala XVIII v.” [“The Inventories of Vologda Archbishops’ House of St. Sophia of the Second Half of 17th – the Beginning of 18th Cent.”]. ISBN 978-5-98874-181-7

The book incorporates publication of the inventories of Vologda Archbishops’ House of St. Sophia dated 1663, 1676 и 1701. The inventory of 1663 was created on the decree of Tsar Aleksey Mikghailovich after the death of archbishop of Vologda and Belozersk Markell, while the “census” book of 1676 emerged due to the change of treasurers according to the order of archbishop of Vologda and Belozersk Simon. The book of 1701 is the largest of them all, being composed on the decree of Peter the Great at the start of the Church Reform. The documents included in the book present us with the data on different building, its interior, icons; domestic goods, utensils, and, last but not least, contents of Archbishops’ archive.  

The book is aimed at historians, art historians, architects and everyone interested in history of Russia.

The publication was carried out with financial support from RSCF, project №18-78-00108.

The 1st Forum of the Russian-American Research Nexus

Dear colleagues!

The Russian-American Research Nexus welcomes Russian specialists studying North, Central, South America, and the Caribbean region to participate in the 1st Forum planned to be held on November 30, 2020. We invite historians, philologists, political specialists, and other scholars.

Detailed information about the Forum (in Russian)

New edition of the monograph

Gyol Publ. issued the second, revised and extended, edition of the monograph by P. V. Krylov “Exempla incarnata: epopeya Zhanny d’Ark i mir srednevekovogo cheloveka” [“Exempla incarnata: epic of Joan of Arc and the world of a person of Middle Ages”]. ISBN 978-5-8290-1630-2

The monograph studies some issues of the biography of Joan of Arc, which suffered the most from distortion in thу historical memory and determined the perception of this historical person both in France and all over the world. Based on a wide amount of sources and contemporary research publications of both Russian and foreign specialists the book discloses means and patterns of formation of false ideas concerning historical events and its participants. the author determines both conditions and factors either contributing or hampering such processes.
The book is designed for historians, lecturers and students as well as everyone interested in hitory of France and problems of historical memory.

New book

The publishing hoouse of the European University in St. Petersburg issued the collection of articles “Patriotic Cultures during the First World War” [“Kultury patriotizma v period Pervoi mirovoi voiny”] /ed. by K.A. Tarasov, composition and preface by B.I. Kolonitskii. ISBN 978-5-94380-285-0

This book is a collection of articles based on the reports delivered at the conference which took place on June 11-13, 2014 at the European University in St. Petersburg. The authors are schloars from Austria, the Great Britain, Germany, Canada, the USA and Russia.

This book incorporates publications on differeте issues and aspects of patriotism. The authors examine propaganda, posters and proclamations; metods of measurement of patriotism; social phobias, nationalism and political tricks as well as social movements which either played on patriotism or emerged because of it.

In memory of the outstanding historians

On September 9 and 10 2020 the events timed to jubillees of the outstanding historians, organized by St. Petersburg Institute of History in cooperation with the Manuscript department of the NLR, will be held.

The agenda of the events (in Russian).
