A new book

“Alyans-Archeo” publ. issued a new book by N.V. Bashnin ““Opisi Vologodskogo arkhiereĭskogo doma Sv. Sofii vtoroĭ poloviny XVII — nachala XVIII v.” [“The Inventories of Vologda Archbishops’ House of St. Sophia of the Second Half of 17th – the Beginning of 18th Cent.”]. ISBN 978-5-98874-181-7

The book incorporates publication of the inventories of Vologda Archbishops’ House of St. Sophia dated 1663, 1676 и 1701. The inventory of 1663 was created on the decree of Tsar Aleksey Mikghailovich after the death of archbishop of Vologda and Belozersk Markell, while the “census” book of 1676 emerged due to the change of treasurers according to the order of archbishop of Vologda and Belozersk Simon. The book of 1701 is the largest of them all, being composed on the decree of Peter the Great at the start of the Church Reform. The documents included in the book present us with the data on different building, its interior, icons; domestic goods, utensils, and, last but not least, contents of Archbishops’ archive.  

The book is aimed at historians, art historians, architects and everyone interested in history of Russia.

The publication was carried out with financial support from RSCF, project №18-78-00108.

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