New book

“Alyans-Archeo” publ. issued new book of N.V. Bashnin “Perepisnye knigi votchin Vologodskogo arkhiereiskogo doma Sv. Sofii 1701–1702 gg.: Issledovanie i teksty”. ISBN 978-5-98874-170-1.

This publication incorporates census books (“perepisnye knigi”) of Vologda of Archbishops’ House of St. Sofia composed in 1701-1702. The texts of the documents not only contain data on social and economic history of the region but include information for study of collections of icons and manuscripts kept in local parish churches.

The book is aimed at everyone interested in history of Russia.

The publication was carried out with financial support from RSCF, project №18-78-00108.

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