In the frames of the seminar “Russia in the Modern Era (the 18th – the..." />

Scientific seminar “Russia in the Modern Era (the 18th – the beginning of the 20th cc.): the state and the society”

In the frames of the seminar “Russia in the Modern Era (the 18th – the beginning of the 20th cc.): the state and the society” the discussion of the report by D.Sc. in History A.E. Kotov (Institute of History of SPbSU) «Periodicheskaya pechat’ Severo-Zapadnogo kraya v obshchestvennoi bor’be 1860-kh – 1870-kh gg.» took place.

Due to epidemiological issues it was carried out distantly from October, 26 to October, 31.

The abstract of the report (in Russian).

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