On 90-year anniversary of Rafail Sholomovich Ganelin

ganelin_2014On October 18, 2016 memorial session of Scientific council of SPbIH RAS timed to 90-year anniversary of corresponding member of the RAS, D.Sc. in History Rafail Sholomovich Ganelin took place.
The reports were delivered by T.V. Andreeva, A.N. Tsamutali, O.Yu. Malinova, S.K. Lebedev. A.S. Krymskaya, S.V. Kulikov, D.I. Raskin, V.A. Nardova, N.N. Smirnov confided their reminiscences about Rafail Sholomovich.
T.V. Andreeva in her report provided the analysis of scholar’s legacy in the sphere of history of Russia in the end of the 19th – beginning of the 20th century. Then A.N. Tsamutali examined the formation of Ganelin’s scientific views in his student years and outlined the great influence of his tutors N.P. Poletika and B.A. Romanov, friends and fellow students.
O.Yu. Malinova evaluated the role of R.Sh. Ganelin in preservation of traditions of Petersburg school of history and in formation of several generations of historians in Leningrad-Petersburg.
S.K. Lebedev in his speech characterized R.Sh. Ganelin’s principles and his relations with colleagues during compilation of collective monographs, collections of articles and fundamental publications.

Employees of the Department of Modern History of Russia prepared exposition of scientific works of R.Sh. Ganelin supplied by photographs from the Archive of the Institute.

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